I stumbled upon this image of boots on internet and been crazy about it, tried to look on any of the shopping website and i couldnt find it. In case anyone know, look forward on where to buy it!
I'm officially a boot guy now, these are my waterproof Rocky Public Service Boots. I used to wear them on Saturday and Sunday at my weekend job. I bought some Thursday Boots to wear on the weekend. These are now my full time Monday through Friday.
Zamberlan Baltoro lites: one new set of tread and over 2000 miles of hiking in the year I've owned them. Should get another year out of them no problem. As a forester and a avid hiker I really put boots through hell and these have my stamp of approval.
Are there any other boots out there like Dr. Martens Rigal Knit? Easily the most comfortable boots I've ever owned, but the stitching has come apart and the line was discontinued.