I'm not suppose to attempt to seduce tourists, as what works with wild females is typically frowned upon in polite society. I tried here anyway, and failed completely. If these girls ever end up going wild, I may get a second chance. nudes
My wife affectionately refers to the colleagues I regularly mate with as my mistresses, and this remarkable young woman here is the latest to earn herself that moniker. The wild females find her as irresistible as I do, so it's a win win for everyone.
I'm not suppose to attempt to seduce tourists, as what works with wild females is typically frowned upon in polite society. I tried here anyway, and failed completely. If these girls ever end up going wild, I may get a second chance.
Due to their lack of verbal abilities, touch is very important to wild females. Here we see a newly wild specimen allowing the dominant female to perform a gentle manual inspection. She starts with the hands, and, well... you can probably guess where it
Stumbled upon this wildborn in the woods as she emerged from the trees. She's cautious, but if I'm careful not to spook her, I may very well be the first man to mate with her.
Each Fall I'm sent deep into the park to breed some of the more reclusive wild females. I found this beauty here squatting in this abandoned building, and judging by her stunned reaction, I wouldn't be surprised if I was the first man she's ever seen.
This stunning lady right here is our wrangler, for dealing with aggressive or territorial wild females. It's less traumatic for them and better optics for us to have a woman do it. Very good optics, I must say.
Found these two beauties a bit further down the river. Sadly, my mating display failed to win them over, and I had to settle for observing them mating with one another. Still a very productive day.