Just finished training these two new Junior Researchers in how to properly mate with wild females. They were exceptional students, I must say. While I hate to see them go, I love to watch them leave. nudes
I'm not suppose to attempt to seduce tourists, as what works with wild females is typically frowned upon in polite society. I tried here anyway, and failed completely. If these girls ever end up going wild, I may get a second chance.
Wild Females usually love flowers. If you live around the park and are hoping to attract some, either for observation or mating, you should definitely plant a flower garden. Just don't be surprised if they pick a few for themselves.
Found these two beauties a bit further down the river. Sadly, my mating display failed to win them over, and I had to settle for observing them mating with one another. Still a very productive day.
Mating with wild females provides an opportunity for up close observation and photographs, like the one I took of this beauty here. I may be a depraved womanizer, but I am still a scientist.
I mated with this couple last breeding season, but it seems neither became pregnant. Now that they're out of heat, they clearly have no desire to try again, and if anything, seem annoyed with me for having wasted their time.