just coughed this up, have a horrible throat & sinus infection, haven’t been able to breathe properly for 2 days now, coughed this up and felt immediate relief
A recent study published in Behavioral Brain Research found that people who are aroused from watching pimple popping videos also also aroused from watching water fountain and steam cleaning videos. Is that true for you?
First post: had a giant red spot on the end of my nose for a week or so and while at work it started hurt whenever my mask rubbed it and then I see this beauty
Wife pulled this out of my damn armpit. No idea how long it's been there. I just noticed a tiny pinch in my armpit and thought it was just a small splinter. Wish I would have been recording.
What is this on my arm? The skin around is rough, and it's the fifth time I've had to pop it. I have keratosis on my arms but have seen nothing like this before