Sir, I have been hoodwinked! My previous posting of All Hallow's activities, and indeed this one, are both forgeries! Please consult the detailed article that I have noted within the replies to this posting. nudes
Sir, I have been hoodwinked! My previous posting of All Hallow's activities, and indeed this one, are both forgeries! Please consult the detailed article that I have noted within the replies to this posting.
Sir, Having caught that blaggard Greengrocer in flagrante delicto with a maid after dark, I have instigated a strict ban on visitors after 4pm. I anticipated much complaint and protestation from the staff, but there was none. Perhaps they have found othe
Sir, Gussy Herbert do send me details of a secret Ladies-only club somewhere in Pall Mall. I find this shocking to deny the attendance of Men, especially as the activities therein do appear most fascinating.
Sir, Lord Shaftesbury do visit, and is taken aback when served by my new maid from the colonies. He says some unpleasantness, believing her to be in some way inferior, which I am quick to dispute. I arrange a compatison with another maid, and Lord S soon
Sir, It is said that at this cold time of year when provisions are low, that altruism is a saintly virtue to be rewarded in heaven. However, I offered maid Susan sixpence and a half sack of coal, and I was greatly rewarded that very evening.
Darling Emma, I am surging along with your life blood, coursing through the secret places of your body. I wish to escape from you but I am harried from place to place in my thots. I cannot escape from the rhythmic spurt of your love juice.