This stunning lady right here is our wrangler, for dealing with aggressive or territorial wild females. It's less traumatic for them and better optics for us to have a woman do it. Very good optics, I must say. nudes
Based on how she was waiting expectantly for me, I can only assume I've mated with this wild female before, though I can't seem to recall her. That's a little embarrassing, considering how much I adore wild females, but thankfully she'll never know a
Just finished training these two new Junior Researchers in how to properly mate with wild females. They were exceptional students, I must say. While I hate to see them go, I love to watch them leave.
While one might think that such a happy couple of wild females would have no interest in mating with a man, such powerful pairbonds stimulates their instinct to breed. Many of my own wild daughters were born and reared by couples like these two.
I'm sometimes asked if I joined the Department of Wild Female Sexuality and Procreation because I was a pervert, or if it was the job that turned me into a pervert. My answer? Yes.
Stumbled upon this wildborn in the woods as she emerged from the trees. She's cautious, but if I'm careful not to spook her, I may very well be the first man to mate with her.
Quick PSA: There's no such thing as an indoor domestic. Wild Females' instincts compel them to experience nature. Remember to allow your domestic ample time outdoors, or she'll soon go stir crazy and begin to act out.