With most parts of the the preserve lacking the threat of predation or hunting, most females don't really care to hide as this female napping just beside a stream kindly demonstrates nudes
I mated with this couple last breeding season, but it seems neither became pregnant. Now that they're out of heat, they clearly have no desire to try again, and if anything, seem annoyed with me for having wasted their time.
I'm not suppose to attempt to seduce tourists, as what works with wild females is typically frowned upon in polite society. I tried here anyway, and failed completely. If these girls ever end up going wild, I may get a second chance.
This female nests on the bluffs overlooking a lake. Every morning, she sits at the edge, sunning herself and carefully inspecting the lake. We don’t know exactly what she is looking for, but she always manages to head to the area of the lake where the
Found these two beauties a bit further down the river. Sadly, my mating display failed to win them over, and I had to settle for observing them mating with one another. Still a very productive day.
Regular mating with Wild Females has benefits besides increasing their population, such as reducing stress and improving their overall temperament. As you can see, this beauty here is quite relaxed and content after our mating session.
With most parts of the the preserve lacking the threat of predation or hunting, most females don't really care to hide as this female napping just beside a stream kindly demonstrates