Sir, I have been hoodwinked! My previous posting of All Hallow's activities, and indeed this one, are both forgeries! Please consult the detailed article that I have noted within the replies to this posting.
Sir, to-day I do receive a flyer advertising a special show at the Parisian Club performed by Pierre Acrobatique and his assistants. I cancel tonight's theatre with Lady B___ and hasten to the club. I have always been something of a ballet aficionado.
Sir, Tho' most unseemly to give gifts to lower orders, I have this fine print for maid Mary. She has been a most attentive maid, and pray she appreciates the story that plays out upon it. That of a master rogering the girl who brings him his dinner. I d
Sir, This yule I did hold a great dinner with many guests. "The Amazing Madame Balencio" from Spain did entertain us. Lady B___ was not much favoured to this act, but I was so impressed that I invited Madame Balencio back to my chamber for a further de
Sir, Having caught that blaggard Greengrocer in flagrante delicto with a maid after dark, I have instigated a strict ban on visitors after 4pm. I anticipated much complaint and protestation from the staff, but there was none. Perhaps they have found othe
Sir, Maid Eleanor did recently avert embarrassment when Lady B__ found her naked with me. Eleanor explained her clothes were in the wash & she had no other to wear. As reward for quick thinking, I exchanged Eleanor's straw sack with a proper bed. El