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Check out Mirela Balic’s nude and sexy photos from various shoots and screenshots with a sex scene from “Élite”.
Mirela Balic is a TV actress who blew up after killing it as Cata on the biographical drama series Cristo y Rey and Leyre Palacios on the thriller series Tú también lo harías. But she really hit the big time with her role as Chloe on Netflix’s Élite.
(@mirela_balic) Instagram photos and videos
Before she got into acting, she was all about that cello life, but then she switched gears and went full throttle into the world of acting. You can catch her flexing in pics on her Instagram account, where she’s got a whopping 270,000 followers. She even made an appearance in InStyle España in 2022.
Mirela’s got Serbian and Croatian roots and she’s no stranger to big names – she’s worked alongside Valentina Zenere on the cast of Élite.