(F)(29)(160ish)(5 foot 1) This body birthed two beautiful little girls, but I can't get myself to stop hating it after not losing the pregnancy weight.
f/5’3/116 lbs ive been extra insecure about my fat distribution. my stomach is flabby no matter how much weight i lose, I have wide rib cage, a cups, and my ass is too small for my frame. Nothing sexually attractive about me. no matter how much I want
F,22,110 lbs, 5'3" Lesion marks on right side of my body. Embarrassed of them.Took this pic at Dermatologist office before getting dressed after they were examined and photographed(Total body photography can be embarrassing) glad to have a place to pos
[25, f, 5’1, 125lbs] My “worst” angle. I put on some weight and lost a lot of muscle since the pandemic. I try to practice body neutrality, but some days it’s harder to not feel negatively about the flaws I see.