37F/140lbs/5'8" - been battling body dysmorphia/eating disorders most of my life; I've finally begun to accept and love my body, imperfections and all. 💛
40 M 173cm 83kg / Wish I were fit, wish I weren't pale and freckled, wish my dick was longer, mixed feelings about being circumcised... partner says my body is gross, looking for reassurance
40(f) -130lbs ish - 5ft 7. The mombod in all its glory. Gravity found my boobs and the mom tum here to stay. I have my up days and down days, but this is me and I love it xx
38f/ 5'2"/ 170 lbs. Well, here goes nothing. I spent most of my adult life being 40 pounds lighter than this and still always felt like the chubby girl. Looking at my older, post-pregnancy body now can be difficult. But I'm trying to extend it kindnes