"Spare the rod and spoil the slut" is an important tenant for any master to learn. You may wish to care for and protect your property, but that also means keeping her in line. There is nothing safer then an obedient slave.
The shock collar, a wonderful and simple tool for training. Masters, it makes for simple and easy punishment for any mistakes. With metal prongs pressing into the neck, and a painful shock on each slipup, it is easy to keep a slut in her place, and under
Having brookered a huge deal with PunishSluts to have their Premier Sluts and SlutToys in the Gag & Swallow, tonight was the gran premier! (Closed RP with ScarletRose_RP)
As a reminder for the cunts, the only value that you have is what you can bring on the auction block. So learn to serve your master well, and strive to get the price as high as you can. Compete with your sisters, and be the best slave you can.