Unfortunately, Lady B___ did not believe my explanation that the artist girl from the village merely wished to avoid soiling her delicate clothes with paint. nudes
Sir, Today I had much business work, with many gentlemen to see and little of it to my benefit. This evening I do retire early to my library, where maid Mary brings me Port and I do at last relax with my old books which contain many illustrations that ar
Sir, it most pleases me to share a photolithograph of my maid Rosie. She is most enthusiastic upon the gentlefolk inspecting her particulars. Daily, she is up at 4:30am to light my fire, I can postulate.
Sir, Upon the morning's post I do receive a card from Herbert Gussy, who is currently visiting Bavaria. It appears a most welcoming country. I feel the urge to travel once more.
Sir, Maid Edith has only a hard wooden chair at home. I catch her admiring my soft luxurious furniture. "It do look such comfort to sit upon" she sighs. I offer to show how there is an even better way to enjoy it's softness and luxury against the skin
Sir, To town, where I meet with Lord Albermarle to visit a spiritualist medium lady. For a fee, she summons her spirit guide and contacts those who have passed on. Strange sensations, smells and apparitions are said to materialize. I present here lithogr
Sir, I have devised a new system which I believe will double the amount of cleaning that any maid may undertake within a individual working day. Tests are ongoing, under my close scrutiny.