Sir, Lord Rollright of Shipton do visit, bringing strange prophecies of the future still to come. He 'sees' many folk holding a curious looking glass - one which shows not a reflection of the self, but pictures of the gentle sex without clothing. Rollr nudes
Sir, Some progressives state that staff should have regular time-off each week. Well, I have been doing this for some little time now. Every week, I insist that my maids get time to enjoy themselves. I do even offer encouragement from my armchair. Their
Sir, In the hot weather, Maid Eleri do come to me exhausted from boiling the water in the copper for the weekly laundry. I instruct her to sit down, within a "scientific chamber" I had just invented. She do marvel at its efficacy in cooling. For me, th
Sir, as a noted philanthropist, I do oft employ those who I feel need the greatest assistance. Maid Lilibet was from such a humble background that she had not even sat upon a chair before entering service. I gain great comfort from educating the deservin
Dear Hubby, I’ve finally found a talent of my own! This darling girl Gertie is a fan dancer - quite an entrancing performer. She usually leaves a quite strategic area exposed for her audience to focus upon, and she kindly gave my ladies club a good vie
Sir, The editor of the Farmers Gazette enquired with my gamekeeper regarding the escape of a farm animal very recently. As there were no first hand accounts I obliged him by re creating the scene for the photo lithographic artist. Sales of the Gazette h
Sir, I have been reading about the Wright Bros and their Flying contraptions. I imagine a future World where we all enjoy the luxury of air travel. But what of the lower classes? I set about the design of a low cost 3rd Class flying machine
Sir, I have oft heard it pronounced that the fairer sex are not capable of riding these new "safety bicycles", as it may prove too strenuous or in some way un-ladylike to do so. I trust that herein I am able to provide proof that this argument has no m
My dear hubby, I regret to inform you my new lady’s maid Bonny has proved a most troublesome hire. I found the little tramp trying on one of my corsets! Needless to say, I’m disciplining her most severely.