Sir, Please to be on the look-out for witchcraft or devilry this dark night. Pagan ceremonies do take place which would chill the God fearing man to his marrow. Though I do note that some aspects of their rituals are most interesting to observe. nudes
Sirs et Madames, I apologise most profusely for the recent appearance of promotional handbills for strumpetry that have been left scattered around our club by tawdry urchins. The staff responsible for granting entry to said urchins have been punished.
Dear Hubby, I’ve finally found a talent of my own! This darling girl Gertie is a fan dancer - quite an entrancing performer. She usually leaves a quite strategic area exposed for her audience to focus upon, and she kindly gave my ladies club a good vie
My maids are in a state of some great excitement in anticipating the arrival of their "Father Christmas". I assure them that he will visit each of them in turn this night, to give them a most enjoyable gift. I will be exhausted come morningtide!
Sirs, I recently returned from a trip to the former 13 colonies, their food was frightfully terrible, but I had enjoyed the most peculiar entertainment. I must consider having the staff learn this new fangled “can can” these “saloon” girls exhibi
Sir, Its is oft said that us Noble Class are out of touch with the lower orders and their lives. To that end, I have arranged that my staff will perform varied tableaux of working class life, daily at 4 and 9 of the clock in the Wharton room. For educati