Today maid Lottie did spill a whole bottle of ink down her tunic. She starts to cry, she cannot afford a new dress. "Does your dress, or lack thereof, affect or impede your ability to clean?" "No, sir". "Well then, I think we have a solution to your nudes
Sir, a young lady of my aquaintance informs me that in the Colonies it is common parctice for a Gentleman to give his paramour a 'Pearl Necklace' I duly oblige but cant really see what the fuss is about.
Sir, we are invited to a reading group hosted by Dame Trumpton-Hardwicke. I confess to being sceptical at first but there was one novel that caught my eye.
Sir, A most tedious day in which I do discuss business matters with my accountant, and instruct the groundskeeper over the lower paddock. Dinner do greatly reconcile me, and so I to my library whereupon, over a glass of brandy, I do make a study of some
A warm welcome to all who have arrived in our little club from the "100 year old porn found in wall" pamphlet that is doing the rounds. My secretary is busy typing up membership cards for you all as we speak. Please make yourself comfortable, we have a
Madames et Monsieurs, I have been censured over my last missive. I may have been hoodwinked by a charlatan offering images made by the Devil's own hand. To make amends I shall insist on only the finest mosaics from antiquity
Sir, a pleasant evening spent with Lord and Lady Oppenshaw, who have have a minstrel to play a six stringed guitar during dinner. Enjoying this novelty, upon return to my house I do I employ a local musician from the village to accompany me in my study a
Dear Henny, I found a wonderful piece for our lithograph collection. Tis a lovely Illyrian scene which should further our amateur anthropological studies. I can’t wait to review it with you when I return.
Sir, The summer is very much over and thus I instruct maid Fanny to dismantle Lady B___ 's garden chair. I observe that it has succumbed to mildew during the recent wet weather, and suggest a way to avoid dirtying her clothing. I stay awhile to ensure t