When I mate with a pride, I try to stick around for two or three days if they'll let me, until either they chase me off or another female attracts my attention. This provides not only additional opportunities for breeding, but general scientific observa
I could tell by the way my new colleague here was staring longingly at the woods that she was in the process of going wild. I've let her know, and she seems alright with it. I'll try to get her to a nearby pride that will accept her before the process
This meadow female spends most of her life on all fours to remain concealed in the tall grass. Her days are spent foraging for seeds, tubers, and insects, and each night she builds herself a fresh nest. (Field Notes in Comments)
This pack’s alpha clearly maintains a strict hierarchy, shown by the state of these females’ pubic hair. The alpha maintains a well kept bush and her beta is allowed a small strip of hair to show their status, and the rest of her harem are expected t