Sir, Upon visiting my usual Turkish baths in Bishopsgate I did find them closed for repairs. I discovered another, some little way down the road. The practices within were of such great difference to Bishopsgate that I ran from the building in great shoc nudes
Sir, Relaxing in my library with a glass of brandy - if the lazy servant girl can be bothered to bring it when I ring the bell - I do find it most enlightening to study old texts. I could easily remain here all night, studying.
Sir, A communique from my friend 'Gussy' Herbert, presently embracing the cultural delights of Paris. He is saving money by sharing his Dollymop with two other clients. Gussy (reclining) appears most overwhelmed by the experience.
Dear Hubby, My tea group met again, and we finally came to a compromise on our Naturist debate - we have agreed to be half naturist as a trial, with further decisions to follow.
Sir, Lady B do declare that the staff are idling and are not working as per their contract. I do inspect their work ethic on a regular basis and I find no fault. I vouch to watch the staff closely.
Sir, Once more I find myself interviewing for a new maid. A great many did apply, and so I have implemented a new system of interview and assessment. I am now considering the final three candidates, but it is most difficult to decide between them.
Sir, Following my correspondence of the 15th inst. , in which a prospective maid did display her Petticoat Lane for all to see, a number of members of our club did hand in their membership cards in a show of some disgust. To soothe the brow, I herein pre
Sir, The summer is very much over and thus I instruct maid Fanny to dismantle Lady B___ 's garden chair. I observe that it has succumbed to mildew during the recent wet weather, and suggest a way to avoid dirtying her clothing. I stay awhile to ensure t