Sirs, I extend a warm welcome to all who have joined our fine club over the past few days. It is so busy that I have had to hire a new maid to prepare rules and particulars for our new members. She is doing a fine job! nudes
Sir, much commotion from the servants quarters. I race up there with poker in hand, expecting to find an intruder. Instead, I discover only maid Ethel, who explains that she is administering first-aid upon the postman, collapsed from overwork delivering
Sir, By post I do receive a picture card from Gussy Herbert, currently employed on government business in the Empire. "The local ladies dress as depicted herein!" he declares. I raise the idea of a trip to Egypt with Lady B___, but she reminds me of he
Sir, with the forthcoming New Year's celebrations some of the staff ask permission to perform a Mummers Play. I am quite content with the spectacle but insist that reherasls are performed. Costumes are quite unnessecary at the stage.
Sir, Some Swedish folding chairs arrive for the Conservatoire, concerned as to their poor construction I have devised a scientific method to test their weight baring capability. They are found to be quite robust.
Sir, A communique from my friend 'Gussy' Herbert, presently embracing the cultural delights of Paris. He is saving money by sharing his Dollymop with two other clients. Gussy (reclining) appears most overwhelmed by the experience.
A telegram from Gussy Herbert, on an expedition for the Empire Museum. "Have found much of great scholarly interest! Shall bring something back for you!". I do hope he forgets this promise. Previously, Gussy has brought back a Mummy's foot (left) and
Sir’s, I recently returned from my trip to New York in the former colonies. I was most intrigued by the “boyish” behaviour the sailors exhibited to each other in the dock yards. Would anyone know if this occurs in London, I’m most intrigued to le
Gentlemen, be aware that competition for an open position may become quite fierce if your salary far exceeds the norm. The situation was most entertaining, albeit distressing to see such beauty in peril.