A warm welcome to all who have arrived in our little club from the "100 year old porn found in wall" pamphlet that is doing the rounds. My secretary is busy typing up membership cards for you all as we speak. Please make yourself comfortable, we have a nudes
Sir, I request new staff from the agency, and they send me not one but three. Finding their abilities greatly similar, I do devise a scheme to assist in my choosing between them. Even yet, they do all seem of comparable calibre. I fear I cannot choose an
Sir, Dr Mesmer visits from Germany and brings news of his scientific principle, whereupon he can command any to do as he desires. "For healing", he insists. Over a large Brandy, I do persuade him to cause my servants to believe they are swimming. It is
Sir, Recently, Lord Pussetshaft proposed 'A Lady, when inverted, do resemble a Gentleman, and none can tell them apart'. After much Brandy and debate, we reached no firm conclusion. I called for two servants, but alas they were unable to remain still f
Dear Henny, I spent another delightful weekend with your cousin Fanny. She has some intriguing wardrobe choices she shared with me, and I can’t wait to have you try out some similar patterns when I get home.
Sirs, A noise from the staff quarters do awaken me from my sleep. It is that rogue Greengrocer again. He purports to be exhibiting his finest carrots, parsnips and other produce, but I do not trust his intentions. Be on the lookout for this suspect fello
Sir, Lord Thistlewick has oft declared my maids most lazy, sitting idle and yet still receiving a wage. I entirely disagree with his opinion. As a progressive employer, I do prefer to pay some staff an additional bonus if they can remain most perfectly s
Sir, I enclose a magic lantern slide from a lecture at the Royal College of Surgeons. It illustrates the latest treatment that Gussie Herbert may need on his return.