Sir, Lady B___ do comment that she greatly dislikes the small hallway table with but two legs. "It should have four", she declares. With maid Connie's assistance, I set up a scientific experiment to see how the table might appear with two additional l nudes
Dear Henny, Cousin Fanny and her French wardrobe continue to delight. She’s wearing some exotic garment she calls a negligee, which seems to be a wonderfully sheer number. I do seem concerned that I have seen what can be deemed indecent, but she said w
Gentlemen, be aware that competition for an open position may become quite fierce if your salary far exceeds the norm. The situation was most entertaining, albeit distressing to see such beauty in peril.
Sir, As a reward for their service I have on occasion permitted some of my staff to use my indoor skiitles. Judging for the noises that I hear from below starirs it has proved a most popular game.
Sir, As Winter closes in, Lady B_____ do complain upon the cold and also of the "rural" manner of coals burning in the grate. I send for particulars from local ironmongers, and present herewith my two choices. Pray help me choose betwixt "The Empire"
Sir, The lack of education amongst the lower orders is lamentable. I have decided to permit the more promising servants to improve themselves whilst attending to their chores.
Sir, If you may permit me to celebrate my philanthropic success, I wish to present Maid Lavinia, who did enter my service not 3 months past with no numbers nor letters. Yet now, through my diligent encouragement, is able to read the morning newspapers to
Sir, the lady of the house expresses her disatisfaction with her weighing scales. A new type of bathroom machine arrives from Avery & Co. Upon reading the fine illustrated instructions it appears robust enough for two or more persons.