Numerous semi-ferals on my routes have come to expect regular mating sessions with me, some less patiently than others. This beauty here is none too pleased I've been on expedition for the past 3 weeks, and it seems my substitute was unable to satisfy h
Here we have an exceptionally rare sight; a set of identical twin semi-ferals, patrolling their territory. While the one on the right's attention is on the water, the left twin seems to have taken an interest in my mating display. Hopefully her sister s
I found this pride on my badlands expedition. Though hesitant at first, once I successfully initiated mating with their alpha, their breeding instincts kicked in and they made the most of a limited opportunity. It was three days before they bored of me a
This clever blonde, as well as the domesticated females on my research team, seemed agitated all afternoon. When storm clouds appeared on the horizon, it was clear why. The blonde bolted for her nest, but my team was caught out in the storm and had to sp
Life in the mangrove swamps can be difficult, but resourceful wild females find a way to survive. Each day when the tides change this pretty female perches above the water, ready to pounce whenever something edible floats past