Sir, At the end of a hard day admonishing my staff, it is good to retire to my library with a glass of Port. I have many fine and ancient tomes, and I do find that literature enlightens the soul and broadens the mind. Take this fine piece as an example. nudes
Sir, A troupe of acrobatic artistes arrive in the village. They favour us with an invitation to see them rehearse their act backstage. I am greatly entertained even though the human pyramid is not yet perfected.
Sir, Upon visiting my usual Turkish baths in Bishopsgate I did find them closed for repairs. I discovered another, some little way down the road. The practices within were of such great difference to Bishopsgate that I ran from the building in great shoc
Dear Henny, cousin Fanny has heard about your trapeze artists, and has put her amateur talents upon the swing to the test. I am verily impressed, and she insisted upon joining me returning home this weekend to show you her skills.
Sir, After a hard day's work admonishing my lazy staff, there is nothing more relaxing than settling down in one's study with a glass of port to read some sophisticated literature. It feeds the mind.
Sir, Maid Moria hails from a small Scottish Isle where they have a most curious custom. Upon All Hallow's Eve, one do dress up in ghostly or demonic attire, and must request sweetmeats from strangers. I do heartily encourage such activities, they are mo
Sirs, I extend a warm welcome to all who have joined our fine club over the past few days. It is so busy that I have had to hire a new maid to prepare rules and particulars for our new members. She is doing a fine job!
Sir, My new maid is most fastidious at cleaning and polishing; my house do shine like ne'er before. She is pleased to be earning a wage that she may soon be able to afford some clothes to wear, although I have told her there is no hurry in this matter.
Sir, Once more I find myself interviewing for a new maid. A great many did apply, and so I have implemented a new system of interview and assessment. I am now considering the final three candidates, but it is most difficult to decide between them.