When I mate with a pride, I try to stick around for two or three days if they'll let me, until either they chase me off or another female attracts my attention. This provides not only additional opportunities for breeding, but general scientific observa
I found this pride on my badlands expedition. Though hesitant at first, once I successfully initiated mating with their alpha, their breeding instincts kicked in and they made the most of a limited opportunity. It was three days before they bored of me a
Our records show that this pride consists of two older semi-ferals and their breeding age daughters (none of whom are mine, to be clear). The alpha, the one standing on the left, seems unsure whether to mate with me first or let that honor pass to her fi
Many females form strong bonds with other wild females at the start of the breeding season. Although many of these relationships last far longer than one season, most females in the National Park break up with their partner after the end of the breeding
Our records show that this pride consists of two older semi-ferals and their breeding age daughters (none of whom are mine, to be clear). The alpha, the one standing on the left, seems unsure whether to mate with me first or let that honor pass to her fi
Here we have an exceptionally rare sight; a set of identical twin semi-ferals, patrolling their territory. While the one on the right's attention is on the water, the left twin seems to have taken an interest in my mating display. Hopefully her sister s