Gentlemen, can you recommend a lawn care method? I was not pleased with the sheep - although they did a fine job of keeping the verge trimmed, their deposits attracted flies most egregiously. I then attempt the use of a dedicated gardener; however this s nudes
Sir, The lack of education amongst the lower orders is lamentable. I have decided to permit the more promising servants to improve themselves whilst attending to their chores.
Sir, I have been reading about the Wright Bros and their Flying contraptions. I imagine a future World where we all enjoy the luxury of air travel. But what of the lower classes? I set about the design of a low cost 3rd Class flying machine
Sir, I have oft heard it pronounced that the fairer sex are not capable of riding these new "safety bicycles", as it may prove too strenuous or in some way un-ladylike to do so. I trust that herein I am able to provide proof that this argument has no m
Sir, I have been told that my economy measure of making staff share both sleeping quarters and beds is improper and unhygienic. However, whenever I quietly peer through the keyhole to check upon their welfare, it seems that my staff very much enjoy shari
Sir, Dr Mesmer visits from Germany and brings news of his scientific principle, whereupon he can command any to do as he desires. "For healing", he insists. Over a large Brandy, I do persuade him to cause my servants to believe they are swimming. It is
Sir, a pleasant evening spent with Lord and Lady Oppenshaw, who have have a minstrel to play a six stringed guitar during dinner. Enjoying this novelty, upon return to my house I do I employ a local musician from the village to accompany me in my study a
Sir, After a tiresome day scolding servants, I do retire to my library to peruse my books over a glass of brandy. Upon the page, a morality tale do appear : When hiring two doxies be sure to watch them both, or one will surely steal your roast beef and p
My maids are in a state of some great excitement in anticipating the arrival of their "Father Christmas". I assure them that he will visit each of them in turn this night, to give them a most enjoyable gift. I will be exhausted come morningtide!