Dear Hubby, I’ve finally found a talent of my own! This darling girl Gertie is a fan dancer - quite an entrancing performer. She usually leaves a quite strategic area exposed for her audience to focus upon, and she kindly gave my ladies club a good vie nudes
My dear hubby, my lady’s maid Bonny has continued in her disruptive behavior. Desiring to correct this still, I’ve traded the switch for the birching. I fear I may be playing into her hysteric behavior, as she rarely seems to actually be chastised.
Messieurs et Madames, welcome all new subscribers to our little club - over 120 of you in the last day alone! Please take a seat, and enjoy one of our fine wines or French brandies. My maid is preparing membership cards and particulars as we speak.
Sir, Relaxing in my library with a glass of brandy - if the lazy servant girl can be bothered to bring it when I ring the bell - I do find it most enlightening to study old texts. I could easily remain here all night, studying.
Sir, Lady B___ do comment that she greatly dislikes the small hallway table with but two legs. "It should have four", she declares. With maid Connie's assistance, I set up a scientific experiment to see how the table might appear with two additional l
Dear Henny, I spent another delightful weekend with your cousin Fanny. She has some intriguing wardrobe choices she shared with me, and I can’t wait to have you try out some similar patterns when I get home.
Sir, I instruct my staff to prepare rooms for my guests, but they insist upon practicing their act "The Tumbling Maldinis" for the summer fayre. I offer some instruction and stage direction which is gladly accepted and do you know, I think their act ma
I found the academic paper from Lord B___ to be most enlightening. Having mastered trigonometery we should turn our attention to vectors. Vector, in physics, a quantity that has both magnitude and direction. It is typically represented by an arrow whose