My dear hubby, my lady’s maid Bonny has continued in her disruptive behavior. Desiring to correct this still, I’ve traded the switch for the birching. I fear I may be playing into her hysteric behavior, as she rarely seems to actually be chastised. nudes
Sir, While we spend this cold miserable month waiting for lazy staff to light the fire, I am very much anticipating the warmer months. I have booked miss Leonara Larkin to perform her one-lady adaptation of "A Midsummer Night's Dream" in the summer ho
Sir, I may from time to time complain about the behaviour and laziness of my staff, but I wish here to pay compliment to maids Rosie and Bethany, who both do admirably warm my brandy and extinguish the candle before bed. To watch them is proof of how muc
My maids are in a state of some great excitement in anticipating the arrival of their "Father Christmas". I assure them that he will visit each of them in turn this night, to give them a most enjoyable gift. I will be exhausted come morningtide!
Sir, I have been reading about the Wright Bros and their Flying contraptions. I imagine a future World where we all enjoy the luxury of air travel. But what of the lower classes? I set about the design of a low cost 3rd Class flying machine
Fresh from the meeting of the Liberated Ladies' Literary Club! The subject was 'The Lady, or the Tiger?' by Frank R. Stockton. The following conclusion has been achieved through most vigorous experimentation: there's no sense in choosing, for the cor
Sir, I write in haste and with some little secrecy; located as I am upon a straw paillasse within the boathouse. I unexpectedly found myself in the presence of a disrobed maid. I have yet to provide an explanation which might quell the ire of Lady B___.
Sir, as an amateur botanist, I do find the drawing of specimens to be most time consuming, and so I use the modern photolithographic method. Maid Annie does assist me. Annie is a useful guide to size and scale. The flowering part of this plant, for examp