Life cannot be all debaucheries nor can it be all work! It's spring, Ladies and Gentlemen, perfect time to say yes to sport. Look at this young lady dutifully doing her calisthenics in the morn! That is just the kind of form one would dearly like to pos
Sir, The summer is very much over and thus I instruct maid Fanny to dismantle Lady B___ 's garden chair. I observe that it has succumbed to mildew during the recent wet weather, and suggest a way to avoid dirtying her clothing. I stay awhile to ensure t
Sir, If I may briefly intrude into your personal persusings, I can most highly recommend Ealonor's Maids of Barnet, who did this past week provide me with one of the most hard-working and versatile maids that I have employed for some given time.
Sir, Over luncheon the Lady of the house sees fit to take me to task. She claims that my letter to the Postmaster is unwarranted for the new Postman is a fine upstanding young fellow. I note that he did deliver a telegram this morning with some urgency.
Sir, I receive a letter from Gussy Herbert, who is currently on government work overseas. "I have grown the best moustache. It is the most fashionable style these days". He encloses a photo. I am uncertain whose whiskers are the most impressive, but I
Sir, As a reward for their service I have on occasion permitted some of my staff to use my indoor skiitles. Judging for the noises that I hear from below starirs it has proved a most popular game.
Sir, After a tiresome day scolding servants, I do retire to my library to peruse my books over a glass of brandy. Upon the page, a morality tale do appear : When hiring two doxies be sure to watch them both, or one will surely steal your roast beef and p