While going through the former Head of State's files, I found out there was another former disgraced Queen hiding out in Hera. My Royal Guard was quick to apprehend her. What should I do with her now?
While the Queen is away, I've been tasking with cleaning every single one of her shoes. This task was always more fun while she was wearing them, of course, but I'm still working hard even when she's not here. It's a tough job, but far better than th
Inspecting some of the males that are creating the new religious shrine to me... Thinking about taking one home with me to my stables... who to pick...
Runaway pigs will be sentenced to the stockades, where they will be tormented by the succubus without mercy. Then at dawn they will be bashed with rotten vegetables & fruits by all who pass by to witness their shame, until they accept that women have