Our records show that this pride consists of two older semi-ferals and their breeding age daughters (none of whom are mine, to be clear). The alpha, the one standing on the left, seems unsure whether to mate with me first or let that honor pass to her fi
i found this one last playing in the snow, it's really amazing how they adapt to it. she is friendly and doesn't look afraid of me, i took this picture and left because i can't handle the cold like they do
I could tell by the way my new colleague here was staring longingly at the woods that she was in the process of going wild. I've let her know, and she seems alright with it. I'll try to get her to a nearby pride that will accept her before the process
I found this pride on my badlands expedition. Though hesitant at first, once I successfully initiated mating with their alpha, their breeding instincts kicked in and they made the most of a limited opportunity. It was three days before they bored of me a
Despite the lack of predation or hunting in the preserve, this beautiful wild female chooses to nest in between these large rocks. The shy female only ever leaves her nest and its proximity to gather nesting material or food to stockpile