Numerous semi-ferals on my routes have come to expect regular mating sessions with me, some less patiently than others. This beauty here is none too pleased I've been on expedition for the past 3 weeks, and it seems my substitute was unable to satisfy h
This pack seems to have a looser structure than most – the oldest female appears to be more of a matriarch than a true alpha. She appears to have been bred numerous times in her life and was uninterested in my presence, but was unconcerned when her you
Despite the lack of predation or hunting in the preserve, this beautiful wild female chooses to nest in between these large rocks. The shy female only ever leaves her nest and its proximity to gather nesting material or food to stockpile
This meadow female spends most of her life on all fours to remain concealed in the tall grass. Her days are spent foraging for seeds, tubers, and insects, and each night she builds herself a fresh nest. (Field Notes in Comments)