LF Mono Source "NGAAAH... MY HEAD IS BURSTING WITH ECSTASY!?" "WHY AM I SO HAPPY!?" 1girl, close up, face, nose blush, large breasts, sfx, lewd face, white hair, open mouth, pointy ears
Lf Mono Source : 1girl, 1boy, yandere, on top of sofa, girl blushing, boy sweating, headband, brick walls, sweater, reverse rape, 4 panels, spanish language, por que?, Estoy enamorado de otra persona, no hay proble-ma, aun si soy la segunda, con tal de q
Mono "Isn't Tachibana-san's skirt too short?" "Then she must also take it off!" "Wh-wh-wh-" "What are you doing, you idiot! I can't believe you have the audacity to take off" "Huh? I thought this would definitely be more to your preference"
LF Mono Source: 1boy, 1girl, black shirt, black shorts, bed, flower, curtain, pillow, bed sheets, sitting, erection, "At the real chaldea, where his real master resides...", "Why!?", "Master-sama...", "I've already rolled hundreds of times...",