As well as a carbon footprint, every item also has a water footprint. Knowing how much water it takes to make products is an effective way of being able to reduce your water footprint. Common items include paper (5.1 L), water bottles 1.3 - 5 L) cotton t nudes
Sharks don't have bones. They are a special type of fish known as "elasmobranchs", which translates into fish made of cartilaginous tissues. Even though sharks don't have bones, they still can fossilize. As most sharks age, they deposit calcium salts
The phrase "a sign of the times" originates from biblical texts, specifically in Matthew 16:3, where Jesus refers to interpreting "the signs of the times" as a way to understand unfolding events. It evolved to describe trends or occurrences that refl
A new screw-driven robot prototype can autonomously navigate and mine rocky planets like Mars using Archimedean screws, ideal for challenging surfaces like sand and snow. Developed with EU support, it holds potential for extraterrestrial mining missions.
Scientists have developed a technique to create 3D models of cosmic structures using polarized radio light data. This method offers new insights into phenomena like relativistic jets and black holes, challenging traditional 2D observations and aiding fut
A new study explores how advanced extraterrestrial civilizations might evolve into “stellivores,†harvesting stellar mass for energy beyond the Kardashev Scale's limits. Researchers suggest observing “accreting binaries†to detect potential tech
Pythagoras believed fava beans took away the "breath of life", claiming they contained the souls of the dead. One rumour of his death is that he came across a field of beans whilst being pursued by his enemies. He refused to cut across this field and w