Pythagoras believed fava beans took away the "breath of life", claiming they contained the souls of the dead. One rumour of his death is that he came across a field of beans whilst being pursued by his enemies. He refused to cut across this field and w
Ancient Egyptians created artificial plants. They crafted fake flowers and garlands from materials like painted linen, papyrus, and thin metals to decorate temples, tombs, and homes. This practice dates back to around 2500 BCE, making Egypt one of the ea
Solar Cycle 25's activity has surged, producing more frequent sunspots and solar flares than expected. This could intensify space weather, affecting satellites, power grids, and creating more auroras.
Ketchup was originally sold as a medicine in the 1830s. It was marketed as a cure for various ailments before becoming the popular condiment we know today.
The DESI project traced cosmic structure growth over 11 billion years, validating Einstein’s gravity at large scales and refining dark energy models. It also set new limits on neutrino mass. Using data from 6 million galaxies, DESI creates the most pre
Butterflies have good eyesight within 10-12 feet, but any farther, things look blurry. They also must rely on ultraviolet colors (invisible to the human eye) to find mates and the right flowers.