Hundreds of lizard species don’t have legs. Legless lizards had limbs at one point, but their arms and legs became smaller over millions of years until they disappeared entirely. Many legless lizards live underground, where it’s easier to slither thr
A study shows up to 30% of Sun-like stars may engulf planets, altering their metallicity. These "polluted" stars suggest rocky planets are destroyed during orbital decay. Ultra-short-period planets in compact systems are key to understanding this pheno
The Mongols Created the First International Postal System
Genghis Khan established the Yam (postal system), which allowed for fast, reliable communication across the vast Mongol Empire. Riders could travel 200 miles per day using relay stations.
Pythagoras believed fava beans took away the "breath of life", claiming they contained the souls of the dead. One rumour of his death is that he came across a field of beans whilst being pursued by his enemies. He refused to cut across this field and w
Turn a Blind Eye: This phrase is attributed to Admiral Horatio Nelson during the Battle of Copenhagen in 1801. Nelson, who was blind in one eye, reportedly ignored a signal to retreat by lifting his telescope to his blind eye, thus "not seeing" the com