I had been stressed from work so I took a trip to an aromatherapy store. The clerk there was very enthusiastic about helping me out. She showed me all kinds of oils until she said she found the best one. She opened it and suddenly I started to feel dizzy nudes
One day my twin sister came home in tears so I asked her what was wrong. She said that she hates being a late bloomer, we were both 19 now and she had barely changed! I told her it's bound to happen eventually but that made her mad and somehow with her
[M4F/Fu/GM] Looking for someone interested in playing a Pokemon or GM in a prompt similiar to this. Myself being a male trainer messing around with the sync ability on my main Pokemon. Hijinks ensue. (RP)
That dream was strange enough on its own, but much more of a problem when it becomes real! Now I’m stuck as an intersex beast, somewhere between anthro and feral, with a whole lot to get used to… (RP) [Repost]
I’d been quite proud of my femininity when I was a woman, but being a femboy Sylveon isn’t the same at all! Doesn’t help that I now have a fat cock, and I’m constantly getting groped by my own Sylveon ribbons, which have a totally perverted mind
You had gotten lost in a forest running low on food. You found what you thought were raspberries, but when you ate them, you felt sick and blacked out. When you woke up, your whole body felt weird and were laying in a bed. "Ah, good you’re awake."
(FB4ANY/GM) Somehow, I'd gotten myself a pretty nasty curse! A dullahan one at that! My body was basically on autopilot, with my head separated and being carried with it...it could do..anything! And I wouldn't be able to stop it, what do YOU think woul
[MtF4F] My girlfriend is really sweet, honestly! Sure, she may be the goddess of kinks and constantly turns me into various other cute girls for her to tease, brainwash, gaslight, and put through various kinky scenarios, but outside of that she's an abs
[A4A] Well, this was it. The car appeared out of nowhere, and before we knew it, everything went dark for both of us. When we woke up, however, we found ourselves floating in a void, with a large, menacing beast looming over us...saying something about a