If you were to lay out all the blood vessels in the human body end to end, they would stretch over 60,000 miles. That's enough to circle the Earth more than twice! nudes
Sharks don't have bones. They are a special type of fish known as "elasmobranchs", which translates into fish made of cartilaginous tissues. Even though sharks don't have bones, they still can fossilize. As most sharks age, they deposit calcium salts
A 2016 study suggested that eating ice cream for breakfast may increase mental alertness. However, the study did face criticism for not clarifying whether it was the ice cream itself or the affect of cold temperatures on the brain.
Butterflies have good eyesight within 10-12 feet, but any farther, things look blurry. They also must rely on ultraviolet colors (invisible to the human eye) to find mates and the right flowers.
Asteroid Vesta is confirmed as the main source of most Earth meteorites, especially HED types (howardites, eucrites, diogenites). Its unique orbit and past collisions likely released fragments that reached Earth, enhancing our understanding of meteorite
Researchers are developing a lunar distress system based on Earth’s COSPAS-SARSAT rescue tech to aid Artemis astronauts. Using a satellite network, it will transmit emergency alerts and track locations in remote areas like the Moon's south pole, enhan