[A4A] Well, this was it. The car appeared out of nowhere, and before we knew it, everything went dark for both of us. When we woke up, however, we found ourselves floating in a void, with a large, menacing beast looming over us...saying something about a nudes
[M4F/Fu/GM] Looking for someone interested in playing a Pokemon or GM in a prompt similiar to this. Myself being a male trainer messing around with the sync ability on my main Pokemon. Hijinks ensue. (RP)
(Open Rp) While working on a dig site I unearthed a turquoise gem in the shape of a dragon named Sisu. As soon as I picked up the gem within it flew into my body using my body as a vessel transforming me into her. Now I look and sound like Sisu. All I ca
"Thanks for inviting me out... been a while since that's happened." We were one of the many affected by a weird virus, devolving us to monkeys. Many of the people like us had given into their urges and became primal... little did I know that was exact
(M2F4F/GM)Ever since my rockruff evolved she’s been moody and wanting to spend less time with me, I bought a ball off the web claiming to help trainers bonds, as I’d move her into this new ball as it stuck a needle in me passing out, waking up hearin
I was a waiter in a fancy restaurant and one night a rich anthro family walked in. I was their server but throughout the whole night they were rude to me. While I was in the kitchen putting their meals on a tray I wished to be rich like them, then sudden
In my world humans were seen as superior to anthros. So whenever I realised I had a kink for them I felt fucked... After much hesitation I visited an anthro strip club and saw the hottest girl there. She must've noticed me looking cause she pulled me as
I had been stressed from work so I took a trip to an aromatherapy store. The clerk there was very enthusiastic about helping me out. She showed me all kinds of oils until she said she found the best one. She opened it and suddenly I started to feel dizzy
[A4A] Well, this was it. The car appeared out of nowhere, and before we knew it, everything went dark for both of us. When we woke up, however, we found ourselves floating in a void, with a large, menacing beast looming over us...saying something about a