[Fu4A/GM] [Discord] As an arrogant Queen, she does whatever she wants... But she could never have guessed royalty would curse her to do whatever her people want, as their new slave~
[F4A] It is Halloween and you witness a poor lonely girl wandering the streets all alone, not knowing that she is a lonely tangible ghost in desperate need of a friend. Will you give her the love and friendship she has been craving? (My messages are open
[F4A] Your roommate is, let's face it, a total nightmare to deal with, but she's also really fucking hot and always walks around half naked, worth it?~
(F4M) (Discord) What are you looking at, perv~? Want a closer look? Or maybe you'd even like to roam your hands around my body. Hope you can handle the heat, and if you can't, good luck~