One day my twin sister came home in tears so I asked her what was wrong. She said that she hates being a late bloomer, we were both 19 now and she had barely changed! I told her it's bound to happen eventually but that made her mad and somehow with her nudes
Looking to do a roleplay where I’d undergo one of the transformations featured here! Not only open to the anthro ones, the others (aside from the inanimates) are okay too! Happy Halloween to those last few time zones~ (RP)
When my parents signed me up for the military I was pissed, it’s not even close to my idea of a good time. However, when I found out I was gonna be in an experimental platoon they were building, it turned out to be a lot more fun than being some boring
(Open Rp) One day I signed up to work at this new business as the CEO's assistant but I didn't read the fine print that said that I had to become a busty anthropomorphic female skunk.
When I came home from college the last thing i expected was my mom to be fused with a pikachu… What’s worse is when she saw me and hugged me she got so excited she let out a thunder bolt that has swapped our bodies! (RP)
[M4F/Fu/GM] Looking for someone interested in playing a Pokemon or GM in a prompt similiar to this. Myself being a male trainer messing around with the sync ability on my main Pokemon. Hijinks ensue. (RP)
(M2F4F/GM)Ever since my rockruff evolved she’s been moody and wanting to spend less time with me, I bought a ball off the web claiming to help trainers bonds, as I’d move her into this new ball as it stuck a needle in me passing out, waking up hearin
“Hey dude! You’ll never guess what! Me and my mom got these totally hot bikini babe bodies~ We need a big thick cock to test them out on~ you down big boy?~” My best friend and his mom become my loyal cock slaves in their new bodies (; (RP)