Humdinger means something or someone very remarkable or admirable. However, it was adopted in mid-1940 by American airmen to mean fast aircraft or vehicle or a smooth-running engine nudes
Astronomers found white dwarf-main sequence binaries in young star clusters using machine learning and Gaia data. The 52 candidates provide insights into stellar evolution, Type Ia supernovae, and gravitational waves, linking early and late binary star p
The Dancing Plague of 1518: In 1518, people in Strasbourg, France, started dancing uncontrollably. One woman began, and soon many others joined, dancing for days. Some historians think they had mass hysteria or food poisoning from moldy rye.
Mid-20th-century nude glamour photographers used chiaroscuro lighting to create artistic shadows, obscuring parts of the body to skirt censorship. This technique, inspired by classical paintings, kept images sensual yet refined, pushing artistic boundari
"Et tu, Brute?" is attributed to Julius Caesar during his assassination. However, historians debate whether he actually said anything. Some believe he may have uttered Greek phrases or nothing at all. Shakespeare coined the phrase, but the exact words
Dolphins are considered one of the world's most intelligent animals, and they have several cognitive abilities that set them apart. Many researchers consider intelligence to be a combination of perception, communication, and problem-solving.
Ketchup was originally sold as a medicine in the 1830s. It was marketed as a cure for various ailments before becoming the popular condiment we know today.
0.5% of the male population are descended from Genghis Khan. (Scientists did a study in 2003 showing that about 16 million dudes share a Y chromosome with the famous Emperor.)