Butterflies have good eyesight within 10-12 feet, but any farther, things look blurry. They also must rely on ultraviolet colors (invisible to the human eye) to find mates and the right flowers. nudes
"Et tu, Brute?" is attributed to Julius Caesar during his assassination. However, historians debate whether he actually said anything. Some believe he may have uttered Greek phrases or nothing at all. Shakespeare coined the phrase, but the exact words
A study shows up to 30% of Sun-like stars may engulf planets, altering their metallicity. These "polluted" stars suggest rocky planets are destroyed during orbital decay. Ultra-short-period planets in compact systems are key to understanding this pheno
An "android" (andro - man; eide - looks like) is a robot built to look like a human, while a "cyborg" (cybernetic organism) is a living thing with mechanical parts
Ketchup was originally sold as a medicine in the 1830s. It was marketed as a cure for various ailments before becoming the popular condiment we know today.
Historians believe the earliest version of tennis was invented by the ancient Egyptians, but they didn’t use rackets. Instead, they struck the ball with the palm of their hand (called the “rahat”), which was said to have been the origin of the word