LF Mono Source: "Is it just me, or is it even shorter than usual?" "Even in a normal skirt, her ass looks like it's ready to burst out. This scandalous getup just emphasizes it further"
LF Mono Source: "True, I've been accumulating a lot... yes!" "I'm sure I've been masturbating at work because of the stress I've been piling up! I'm a little worried about drinking, but if it's just a bit..." "Err... senpai"
LF Color source: “Fiona: Loid I will show you a magic trick Loid: What magic trick? Fiona: This one”, meme, 1girl, agentNightfall, Twilight, feet, white_hair, blue_eyes, feet_twitch, sweat, side_fringe, earrings, light_skin, looking_at_viewer, poker_
LF Mono Source: 1girl, 1boy, black eyes, white hair, black hair, black eyes, stick out your tongue, black skin, mind control, drug, trance, afterwards, disheveled, blush, bend over, sweat