Ancient Egyptians Used Honey as an Antibiotic
Egyptians used honey and moldy bread to treat wounds thousands of years before the discovery of penicillin. Honey’s antibacterial properties made it a natural healing agent.
Dolphins are considered one of the world's most intelligent animals, and they have several cognitive abilities that set them apart. Many researchers consider intelligence to be a combination of perception, communication, and problem-solving.
Butterflies have good eyesight within 10-12 feet, but any farther, things look blurry. They also must rely on ultraviolet colors (invisible to the human eye) to find mates and the right flowers.
Have you ever wondered why rats are always being used in laboratory experiments? Yes, rats are not only highly intelligent animals, but they also have great memories too. Rats are able to map out a room and will remember all of the routes to get around f
Scientists studying Apollo 16 samples uncovered insights into the Moon's past. Noble gases like argon reveal that solar wind and asteroid impacts shaped its surface over billions of years, offering clues for finding lunar resources beneficial to future
Pythagoras believed fava beans took away the "breath of life", claiming they contained the souls of the dead. One rumour of his death is that he came across a field of beans whilst being pursued by his enemies. He refused to cut across this field and w