A slut should always be careful what she wishes for. Denial is used to enhance obedience. But when she gets greedy, sometimes giving her what she wants over... and over... and over again is the solution. There is nothing like watching a spent slut unable
True freedom can be found in restraint. Where inhibitions cease, desire is fulfilled, and your nature as a slut comes forward. Come and join your betters in your natural place, and embrace your true self.
Submission opens the doors to pleasure beyond anything freedom could offer. To experience things you never thought possible, all that you have to do is abandon dignity and get on your knees. So why not join us in the natural order? Us men are always look
Collaring. The most important, beautiful, and transcendent moment in a slut's life. The moment where she transitions from the burdens of personhood over to the simplicity of property. With the click of the lock, her fate is sealed. Some laugh, some cry,