Sir, I instruct my staff to prepare rooms for my guests, but they insist upon practicing their act "The Tumbling Maldinis" for the summer fayre. I offer some instruction and stage direction which is gladly accepted and do you know, I think their act ma nudes
Sir, As a reward for their service I have on occasion permitted some of my staff to use my indoor skiitles. Judging for the noises that I hear from below starirs it has proved a most popular game.
Sir, I do take a glass of port to my library and do study for many hours. Kepler's Somnium, Bacon's New Atlantis and even Swift's Gulliver's Travels do reveal a future world unknown to us. Upon taking a third glass of port, I do imagine another world
Sir, If you may permit me to celebrate my philanthropic success, I wish to present Maid Lavinia, who did enter my service not 3 months past with no numbers nor letters. Yet now, through my diligent encouragement, is able to read the morning newspapers to
Sirs et Madames, I apologise most profusely for the recent appearance of promotional handbills for strumpetry that have been left scattered around our club by tawdry urchins. The staff responsible for granting entry to said urchins have been punished.
Sir, members may recall a letter to the Times concerning the variable quality of garden furniture originating from beyond the Empire. Presently, there is some scientific endevour to esablish an international standard for weight bearing.
Sir, Once more I find myself interviewing for a new maid. A great many did apply, and so I have implemented a new system of interview and assessment. I am now considering the final three candidates, but it is most difficult to decide between them.
Sir, following an embarrassing evening with Lord Napier, whereupon my ignorance of mathematics was much exposed, I have sought to further my scholarly knowledge. I may admit initial uncertainty, but with assistance from my servants I quickly learnt and u
Sirs, Of late there have been a great many advertisement leaflets strewn around our club. I have endeavoured to remove them all, and have punished the maid who let the urchins in to distribute them. Please report any unwarranted postings and commentary.