Dear Hubby, Most unfortunately our maid Bonny is yet again disruptive. Unfortunately I’ve been most busy with my ladies club, and tasked our governess Nanny to discipline her in my stead. nudes
My dear hubby, my lady’s maid Bonny has continued in her disruptive behavior. Desiring to correct this still, I’ve traded the switch for the birching. I fear I may be playing into her hysteric behavior, as she rarely seems to actually be chastised.
Sir, Upon visiting my usual Turkish baths in Bishopsgate I did find them closed for repairs. I discovered another, some little way down the road. The practices within were of such great difference to Bishopsgate that I ran from the building in great shoc
Sir, I to the North by carriage, where I do visit Mr Stevenson. He has some unusual ideas regarding the improvement of travel in our great land. As I leave, he hands me a gift for Lady B___ which he says will bring her much pleasure. Perhaps it makes the
Sir, I instruct Maid Jenny to adjust Lady B____'s screen, which is out of position. The maid quickly attends, but with her clothing dirtied from her earlier grate polishing duties, I do fear for the cleanliness of Lady B___'s furniture. A solution is s
Sir, After a rendition of Mozart I conclude that the harpsichord is much in need of a tuner. I have glanced at the leaflet that came from the manufacturer but the proceedure seems very technical.
Sir, A troupe of acrobatic artistes arrive in the village. They favour us with an invitation to see them rehearse their act backstage. I am greatly entertained even though the human pyramid is not yet perfected.