Sir, It is 2 past the midnight hour, and I discover maid Emily relaxing in a chair of her betters. She beckons seductively with her fan. "You are such a progressive employer. 6d an hour is too much. I must repay your kindness". Lady B___ then wakes me
Sir, a new maid arrives, and I ask her if she has any interests or hobbies. "I like to draw, I like art" she tells me. I ask if she would like to assist me with my photography, for that is the very latest thing in art. She is very excited at this idea.
Sir, All is disarray this morning. Lady B___ demands to know why her tea has no milk, and Maid Elsie does gesture to assist in a most undignified way. Lady B___ dismisses maid Elsie immediately. I later send a note to Elsie offering alternative employmen
Sir, This evening to my club, and to a private show by Mr Alfonso and his assistant, of an acrobatic dexterity ne'er seen before. Such was their skill and adroitness that three encores were called. A most fascinating evening.