Sir, If it pleases you, may I draw attention to this illustration from a book I have been reading in my library. I feel it perfectly illustrates modern etiquette at the table. nudes
Sir, If it pleases you, may I draw attention to this illustration from a book I have been reading in my library. I feel it perfectly illustrates modern etiquette at the table.
Sir, Lord and Lady Gussetshaw do visit. They lead a very modern, Bohemian lifestyle. Lord G. eats only vegetables and no meat, which I find most disagreeable. Lady G. do practice naturism, which I think much more interesting. I find myself questioning La
Sir, Lady X is well known for her regular nudity around guests and servants alike. Sadly, I am married to Lady B___ who refuses to show even so much as an ankle. It is therefore advantageous that Maid Lizzy is always most enthusiastic to "role-play" ar
Sir, as a continuum of my previous communique, I present for your interest and education another of my maids enjoying my progressive uniform policy during this exceptional warm weather.
Sir, This evening to my club, and to a private show by Mr Alfonso and his assistant, of an acrobatic dexterity ne'er seen before. Such was their skill and adroitness that three encores were called. A most fascinating evening.
Sir, The recent hot weather has been such a burden upon my staff. As a considerate employer, I offered to improve their working conditions by allowing them to remove their hot and cumbersome clothing. I have spent most of the day watching them at work, a