Lady B___ do oft enquire why I spend so much time in my library. It is, I explain, because I study my books therein. There is so much knowledge and learning to be found within. Historical documents of times past that can oft educate us to satisfaction nudes
Sir, As we approach the Yuletide once more it seems that one can hardly avoid the cook books that fill the booksellers shelves. I have availed myself of one such volume entitled 'The Hairy Diners Cook Book' There is much to be learned in the culinary a
Sir, The editor of the Farmers Gazette enquired with my gamekeeper regarding the escape of a farm animal very recently. As there were no first hand accounts I obliged him by re creating the scene for the photo lithographic artist. Sales of the Gazette h
Sir, Today I do ask maid Verity to test the comfort of Lady B___'s dressing seat. Being but an ill-bred maid, she do not appreciate such fineries, and so I suggest a more natural way of determining comfort. At which point, Lady B___ do enter. Sirs, if I
Messieurs et Madames, welcome all new subscribers to our little club - over 120 of you in the last day alone! Please take a seat, and enjoy one of our fine wines or French brandies. My maid is preparing membership cards and particulars as we speak.
Sir, I do hire a new maid. She hath not uniform nor working attire, but as a progressive employer I offer to provide these at no charge. I use the latest wet collodion photographic method to ensure perfect clothing fit. This do greatly please my new maid
Sir, I have oft heard it pronounced that the fairer sex are not capable of riding these new "safety bicycles", as it may prove too strenuous or in some way un-ladylike to do so. I trust that herein I am able to provide proof that this argument has no m
Sir, I receive a letter from Gussy Herbert, who is currently on government work overseas. "I have grown the best moustache. It is the most fashionable style these days". He encloses a photo. I am uncertain whose whiskers are the most impressive, but I
Dear Henny, cousin Fanny has heard about your trapeze artists, and has put her amateur talents upon the swing to the test. I am verily impressed, and she insisted upon joining me returning home this weekend to show you her skills.